
Uni Eco-Stone®

Uni Eco-Stone allows maximum drainage while maintaining a driveable surface.

Unlike solid paving surfaces which negatively impact the environment, storm drainage systems, and property through storm water runoff, Uni Eco-Stone allows natural drainage and migration of water into the earth below.

Benefits of using Eco-Stone™

  • Can be designed to accommodate a wide variety of stormwater management objectives
  • Runoff reductions of up to 100% depending on project design parameters
  • Reduces nonpoint source pollutants in stormwater, thereby mitigating impact on surrounding surface waters, and may lessen or eliminate downstream flooding and streambank erosion
  • Allows better land-use planning and more efficient use of available land for greater economic value, especially in high-density, urban areas
  • May decrease project costs by reducing or eliminating drainage and retention/detention systems
  • May reduce cost of compliance with stormwater regulatory requirements and lower utility fees
  • May reduce heat island effect and thermal loading on surrounding surface waters

Uni Eco-Stone® is a trademark of UNILOCK®

Size Units/Sq. Ft Sq Ft/Pallet Units/Pallet Weight/Pallet
3.150 x 4.528 x 9.055 (80mm) 3.512 320 91.106 3,101 lbs

Eco-Stone™ is produced using a “no-slump” concrete mix, made under extreme pressure and high frequency vibrations. Unit pavers will meet or exceed the requirements established in the ASTM C936 (standard specification for interlocking concrete paving units). Requirements of this standard include an average compressive strength of 8,000 psi, average absorption no greater than 5%.

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